Welcome to the Whitfords Rainbow Toy Library!
Welcome to the Whitfords Rainbow Toy Library! Established in 1994 this toy library has helped hundreds of children play and learn in their early years.
The Whitfords Rainbow Toy Library is member-run and not for profit. We loan a wide range of toys, games, ride-ons, puzzles and dress ups.
Membership is open to all families in the Perth metro area. The fee is $80.00 per calendar year or financial year, with reduced fees for part year memberships.
The toy library is located at the Whitford Family Centre, and is open from 9:00 am to 11:00 am every Saturday morning, excluding public holiday weekends.
If you would like to become a member, please fill in our application form or contact the toy library by email toy_library@hotmail.com.
The toy library has been running for 30 years and with grants from Lotterywest and the City of Joondalup, now is the best time to join and start playing!